The second book in my A Perfect Secret Series is revealed! Boone and Verity have a rocky, romantic, tough, heartbreaking journey to make. My second Outlaw brother is more sensitive, intuitive, heroic, and down right hawt!
More information will be revealed about their family; what might have happened to their father; and Boone’s troubled past.
Here is the second cover. And, I’m thrilled to present it to you all.
Thank you so much to Julie at A Tale of Many Reviews Tours for arranging the cover reveal today. If you see it around, please comment, retweet and share so we can get the word out to everyone.
The perfect preacher’s daughter, Verity Fairchild, has something that only she and God know about and she wants to keep it that way. Her mistake was easy to keep secret when she was out of town, but now that she’s come back to Hope Parish for the summer, she comes face-to-face with the guy responsible for it all. Boone Outlaw nearly ruined everything for her and despite the fact that he’s now working at her father’s church, she’s determined to stay as far away from him as possible.
Boone Outlaw doesn’t understand Verity’s anger towards him. He barely knows her. In high school she was Holy Mary Verity and she was off limits – except in his dreams where Verity seems way too real. Most of the time he was wasted in high school, not the type of boy Verity would ever look at twice, but he can’t shake the feeling that something might have happened between them. He’s going to break his own rules to get the answers he needs straight from Verity.
What will Verity do when she finds something in Boone that she never knew existed and her perfect mistake is the only thing that could stand between them and their happiness? Will she sacrifice Boone to keep her secret?
Please don’t let it be Boone Outlaw
I whispered that like a prayer.
When I heard the car behind me, my first thought was thank God. I knew absolutely nothing about changing a flat tire. I could probably have figured it out, though. But when I turned around at the sound of the truck pulling up behind me, I saw in bold white letters stenciled on the side of the truck, Outlaw Landscaping. I groaned. The anger I tried to keep under wraps surged up.
I guess the odds that it wasn’t Boone just weren’t in my favor. I was on the road home and Boone was working for my father. He was bound to be heading to work right about now.
I had watched him almost every day from my window doing his sketching, planning out his work and I was struck by how much he’d changed since high school. Then, his hair had been long, too long. The black silk had obscured his face and always seemed to be in his eyes.
The anger I wanted to hide from him welled up in me and I cursed my stupid car, the tire and whatever had pieced it straight to hell.
“Need a hand?”
“No,” I blurted out too abruptly and too harshly. Boone’s blue eyes narrowed as he took in the jack and the other piece of the jack I hadn’t yet figured out.
He came up beside me and my skin tingled at his nearness. Damn Boone and his gorgeous hide. He sauntered past me. Boone always seemed to do that. Move slow and sexy. He would have to be wearing a tank top and those sinfully tight jeans. They molded to his backside and left nothing to a girl’s imagination. His biceps stood out even though his arms were relaxed, his chest had filled out in the year I had been away, and his voice had deepened even more. He squatted down and surveyed the damage to my tire.
“Verity, you have the jack backwards,” he said it matter-of-factually without any condescension.
“I would have figured it out,” I snapped.
He turned to look up at me, his eyes a startling blue in his handsome face. Wait. That wasn’t exactly right. Boone was beautiful. All that dark, shaggy hair, his broad shoulders tapering down to his lean waist, and the muscles that bunched in his thighs. I didn’t want to notice. I wanted to hate everything about him.
“There’s no need to get snappy, girl.”
“I’m not a girl.” I huffed out. What I had gone through in the past year had irrecoverably changed me into a woman. I had groceries in the car. Ice cream. I’d be a fool not to accept his help. “All right,” I said grudgingly.
He glanced back at me and I abruptly averted my eyes. Even though I was so pissed at him, he made my insides jingle jangle. What he did to me last summer just couldn’t be forgiven.
Suddenly thunder rumbled and I looked up. “Great, a storm.”
“It always storms here, Verity.”
I wished he wouldn’t say my first name. It always made my stomach jolt the way his soft, unhurried Southern accent wove around the syllables.
“Get in the car. I’ll take care of this for you.” He didn’t even give me a chance to respond, just turned his back and started to fix the jack. I murmured something about a damn, pushy Outlaw and stalked past him to my car, wrenched the door open and huffed myself inside. Slamming it didn’t alleviate the mad that was hammering through me or the attraction that was humming along my nerve endings. It started to pour and I bit my lip. Why did he have to be such a Good Samaritan? It made me feel like such a colossal bitch. But I was the victim here. After what he put me through, I didn’t want to be in his presence another moment. I was determined not to let all his charm affect me.
I watched in the rearview, hoping and praying he would just fix my tire and get the message and leave. The memory of the Graduation Party last year intruded on my thoughts. Boone had been there, wasted as usual, looking so delectable and forbidden, my stomach clenched from the memory.
With a rush like the sound of a waterfall, the skies opened with a heavy deluge.
I sat in the car waiting for him to be done. When the passenger door opened and he slipped inside, my head whipped around. Boone, all soaking wet, six feet, two inches of sexy, angry Outlaw settled into my seat.
“What the hell! You’re getting my seat all wet!”
“You’re freaking welcome, Verity.” He glared at me, something I’d never experienced until just now. It seemed that everyone had a breaking point and I just pushed the wrong button on Boone.
“Why are you pissed off at me, Verity?”
“Thanks for fixing my tire, but I’ve got ice cream in the back seat for the church social and I have to get it home.” My voice was not at all sincere. It was flat, the anger coloring it even though I tried with all my might to keep it out. All I had to do was get through this summer with my parents, convince my father to let me go to college, and blow out of Suttontowne like it was nothing but a bad memory.
He just stared at me for what felt like an eternity.
“What the f**k. You aren’t going to answer me.”
“I’m not angry at you.” I said like an idiot. It was so clearly blatant that I was madder than hell at Boone. He was intelligent and perceptive. Of course, he knew I was lying through my teeth.
His black hair was wet and clinging to his cheekbones, a frisson of heat settled in my gut as droplets of water slipped over his finely formed lips. The t-shirt he wore clung to his hard chest and I could see the muscles delineated there, his skin glistening.
The tension in the car shifted and my eyes fused to his. His chest was heaving and I found that my breathing was more shallow.
“I didn’t take you for a liar, Verity.”
No, he only took me past the danger zone. I said nothing. I had too much to say and it was all trapped in my throat, in my chest, and in my heart.
He swore softly, pulling his eyes away from me and dropping his head. All of a sudden and completely against my will, I had the urge, no the craving to reach over and send my fingers into all that wet, tumbled mess of midnight black. Tears pricked my eyes and I promised myself I wouldn’t shed one more tear over Boone. “Nothing and no one in this town ever changes,” he growled under his breath. He opened the passenger door and glared at me again. “You would think I’d be used to it by now.” He stood in the rain and gave me such a heartbreaking look and the tears gathered anyway. I couldn’t help but be affected by it.
He turned then, slamming the door and stalked away. I watched him in my rearview mirror as he kicked dirt and stones on the side of the road, got back into his truck and peeled off.
Tears slipped down my cheeks. I guess my promise to myself was broken. For a split second, I remembered Boone at that party, and guilt and shame washed through me.
Boone Outlaw ruined my life. There wasn’t any way I was cutting him any slack.
Gorgeous cover and I love that it’s a New Adult mystery. I don’t remember seeing one before.
Thanks, Reese! The secret is the mystery, but there’s a bit of suspense, too. The first book, A Perfect Mess, has both as well. Thanks for stopping by!